Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Debbie Downer

The weather has sucked ass the last few days. It's been dreary, cold, and wet. I'm trying not to let that effect my mood, but I think that it is. I need a good load of vitamin D.

That being said, I may be suffering a bout of the blues. I am 85% sure that the cause may be my new birth control - Her Quartette. I've never been on hormonal birth control until now and I am almost two months deep into this pack and I feel that it may be affecting my moods.
        I feel extremely irritable, vulnerable, inadequate, and just plain down. My face is broken out with a quite a few painful pimples - my husband assures me that I am beautiful still, which is cool since I've irrationally convinced myself that he no longer wants me. Also - did I mention that I am on day 18 of my period? Because yeah, I am. I know that I can not be alone in being the only woman to suffer from mood swings due to birth control. OR, is it my period and just my hormones overall being off balance currently?
          I've been doing a lot of research on birth control and have read that it is very common for women to feel emotional/sad, depending on how their body reacts/adjusts to the hormone levels. Some take time to level out. I'm not really sure how long I will allow myself to feel crazy over the sake of birth control. Hopefully this slump passes quickly or I'll be calling my Dr to switch birth controls. Crazy that a little pill can make you feel so much, eh?

At first I assumed that my blues were contributed from the lack of all forms of sugar - honey, palm sugar, maple syrup, etc, but I am now on day 10 of my whole30 and should be past the withdrawal part. I do however wish that I could make a pan of chocolate brownies. They'd make me feel better for sure. Which is a reason why I decided to do whole30 - my mental connection to food. Will brownies honest to God make me feel better? No, but my mental connection to food makes me think they will.

My life is a black abyss currently. My sinus drainage has been on a terrorist level as of this past Friday, causing a cough and me choking often. I finally gave in today and bought some allergy & sinus decongestant medicine. Allegedly it's non drowsy, we shall see. The good news is - my sinus surgery that I had in November seems to have worked, as usually my nose is completely congested, it's not at all - Just draining freely like a waterfall down my throat. *face palm*

So, now that I've semi bared my heart on the internet, and expressed things that are difficult to talk about - have any of you guys had issues with birth control?

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” 
~ Albus Dumbledore

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