Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Seafood Chowder

My family and I are on Day 9 of Whole 30. The rules are hard and simple - no grains, sugar, dairy / baked goods for 30 days. Just whole foods. We binged like fools over the holidays so we felt we needed to reset our bodies and get our sugar monsters in check.

Did I think in a thousand years that my husband or son could go this long without all of the above? Hell no. My daughter threw in the towel quickly. She eats what I pack her for lunch and what we do at home, but when she is at grandmas, she eats the junk. Her resolve sucks, haha!

Last night I made this extremely delicious clean seafood chowder.  Everyone in my family gobbled it up like they've never eaten before. Tristen is one of the pickiest eater's that I've ever seen and even he ate this meal happily.

FYI: I did not use heavy cream - instead I used coconut cream out of a coconut milk can. I also did not use oysters, Blake despises them, and added cut up red potatoes. I topped our bowls with green onions and fresh made crumbled bacon. It will be our leftovers tonight - that's how amazing it is.

Believe me when I say that my family and I hate pureed cauliflower. I've made it 10 different ways as a cauli mash, but we just do not like it. So, I was very unsure about using that in this chowder. You can NOT,  I repeat, can NOT taste it. Side note: I seasoned mine very well. It's got a little kick to it.

Furthermore, I once made a soup with coconut milk and it was awful. All we tasted was the sweet coconut milk. I swore to myself that I would never use that in a soup again. Well, I am doing whole 30 so heavy cream isn't an option. The recipe calls for 1 can of coconut milk if you don't do dairy. I almost did not make this chowder for that reason. However, I decided to give it ONE more chance. Instead of using an entire can of coconut milk, I worried the coconut water part would give it a sweeter flavor, I scooped out only the coconut cream and used that. Again, let me state that you can NOT, can NOT taste the coconut cream. Blake despises coconut and was clueless. He asked me not to tell him what was in it. LOL!

I highly recommend you making this meal if you are looking for something different and soul warming. You can find the recipe here: https://www.facebook.com/CaveMommasQuest/photos/pb.465557710133058.-2207520000.1421169740./573403896015105/?type=3&theater


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