Monday, January 21, 2013


So, the word diet bothers me. In my opinion, a diet is a temporary fix, not a lifetime fix. I understand this fully because I use to be in the same mindset. However, I will re-iterate this, I am not on a diet. I have been through a lifestyle change for the past year and I continue to transform my eating habits into the best lifestyle for my body and my family.

The reason I am bringing this up is because I got asked recently "How long are you going to be on a diet for?" Sigh. While I am participating in a 21 day sugar detox, the word diet is not listed here might I add, all that means is that I am being 100% strict on my already ingrained eating habits with no treats or cheats. I am challenging myself to eat better and hoping to get long lasting habits that stay with me throughout the course of my life. I am not doing a detox to lose weight.

There are no quick fixes to lose weight, and if you find a quick fix, I guarantee that as soon as you stop whatever you are doing, you will gain the weight right back. In order to successfully lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, you have to transform your life by eating proper, clean meals & getting physical exercise - not starving yourself, taking diet pills, doing temporary food diets. Transforming years of bad eating and your life is NOT easy. It is very difficult at first but gets easier in time. You will constantly have temptations to eat the old crap you use to, because it's easier, but nothing worth having comes easy. If you want to feel better about yourself, evaluate what you eat, get rid of the crap, and start eating whole foods & adding in a walk here and there, and so on. I know I sound like a b word, but the truth is a cold hard explicit deleted. Strive to be healthy the right, long lasting way, not the easy temporary diet way. You CAN do this - you just have to decide if you really WANT to.

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