Sunday, January 20, 2013

Take Two

My first meal today was fabulous - we woke up late, so it was brunch. I took one egg, and a little bit of almond flour. Seasoned the almond flour with celtic salt, pepper, cayenne, & garlic powder. Dipped the chicken in egg, then almond flour, then placed it on the stove in a small amount of coconut oil. I pan grilled it to perfection. I turned the oven on 350 & roasted the okra in olive oil & pepper, as well as the carrots in olive oil & cinnamon. The cauli mash was leftovers in the fridge. The pancakes were the following ingredients; 1 green tipped banana, splash of coconut milk, almond flour, flaxseed meal, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract, 1 cup of egg whites. I had originally planned on these to be waffles, but after an epic fail in the waffle maker, (it was too wet of a mix to come together), these became pancakes.

Dinner was the following - spaghetti squash w/marinara, grilled chicken breast, & sauteed spinach. Spaghetti squash can seem scary because you have no idea what the hell to do with this big yellow veggie, but I'll tell you a secret, the hardest part about preparing it, is cutting into it. I really need to invest in good knives. SO to prepare spaghetti squash, you simply cut it vertically in half & scoop out the seeds & strings. Face the squash face down (insides facing the pan) and bake for about 20 mins on 350. Pull it out of the oven and take a fork and scoop out the insides - Viola! So afterwards I seared the "noodles" w/garlic and celtic salt, then added gluten free/no sugar added Rao's marinara. I really liked this marinara sauce, it was pricey, but well worth it. I grilled the chicken breast stove top in olive oil & seasoned them with oregano, celtic salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and thyme. One they were finished, I moved them over and sauteed spinach in the chicken juices. Easy, peasy! The finished master piece is shown below.

While I had dinner going, I looked through reviews of a bread recipe that I could give a try to make for my husband's sandwiches. I decided to go with this one at Elanas Pantry. I will let you guys know whether it was a nay or yay with the husband, but I can tell you, it smelled pretty good & was not stiff feeling. I couldn't taste test it because the 21DSD states no arrowroot powder, or maple syrup. Shown below is a picture of all of my ingredients before I mixed them up, as well as the after product. Looks tasty right?

  •  Arrowroot powder
  • Flaxseed meal
  • Unblanched almond flour
  • ACV (apple cider vinegar)
  • Baking soda
  • Celtic Salt
  • Maple syrup
  • Four eggs
  • And I added sesame seeds to the top

Gluten Free Bread

Lastly, I capped off my night with something I have been DYING to try since I first read about it. But before I tell you what it is, let me explain why you see a picture of Irish butter. I kept seeing people talk about "Bulletproofing their coffee" on different blogs I came across, as well as in the 21DSD forum on facebook. You can read more about this bullet proof coffee conundrum here. I will briefly explain what it is - basically you get organic coffee beans, beans that do not mold, grind them up and make the coffee. Then add 1-2tbsp of GRASSFED unsalted butter, and 30grams of MCT oil, blend and you get a frothy cup of coffee. When I read this, I died! Butter - in coffee? Har! However, I was intrigued. My thoughts; Pure, grassfed butter is more or less heavy cream. I love creamy coffee. This is a good way to get healthy fats in my system. Sure, I'll try it! So after doing research, MCT oil can be found in coconut oil. I already have that, so I'll substitute MCT for that. However, the only butter I have is ghee.

I went to our local Basic Foods and they didn't have this brand of butter. So on to HEB I went. Sadly, the only Kerrygold I could find was this whipped, low fat kind. Fail. I drove home hearing the charley brown song in my head with my head down. I was going to have to order this butter online and wait to try it! Oh the injustice! I researched what site to order this butter from and almost ordered it, but decided to check at HEB one last time after reading that it could possibly be located by the cheese. I did a quick scan and didn't see it, but right as I was going to turn around, I spotted the gold and silver Kerrygold packages! SCORE!!

So, it was too late to have coffee so brewed a cup of my chai green/black tea mix. Added 1tbsp of kerrygold butter & 1tsp of coconut oil & blended it. I cautiously took a sip and oh mah gerd, it was this frothy goodness!!  Please note the creaminess of the the cup! I can NOT wait to try this in a cup of coffee tomorrow morning. I have not been drinking coffee at all lately, so we shall see. Again, to learn more about this bulletproofing your coffee - visit google or Bulletproof Exec Website.

~Until next time,

Day 16DSD

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