Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Things are looking up!: Day 4 of the 21DSD

So I realize that yesterday I was in severe turmoil over the fact that I couldn't have a bowl of sugar crisps, sugar crisps for effing sake, I haven't had those in a VERY long time, but today is looking up! I know right now I am being very 'cray cray' because my moods are switching from extreme pessimism to optimism.  I keep checking my calendar to see if it's that time of the month, if you know what I mean. However, flow isn't expected right now. Yes, I am sure you wanted to know that.

It's hard to believe that food can effect a person's moods in such extremes! Have I read that it can? Sure - who hasn't? It just seemed like some scholar malarkey to me, that is, until I experienced it first hand, as in right now. I am feeling moodiness, irritability, and fatigue. Today I came up with a million excuses not to work out, I had myself convinced that I should not go. At the last minute, I forced myself out of the house to go to Crossfit and I am SO glad that I did. It definitely helped me mood wise and my motivated for that 1/2 cup of sweet potato helped as well ;). Oh sweet potatoes, how I have missed you! (Can't have sweet potatoes while sugar detoxing unless you are doing an athlete modification, then 1/2 cup is allowed on the day of the work out)

Well, enough of my up and down babbling. It's 11:38pm and I am tired, well sort of. I keep getting these random bursts of energy that come and go. For instance, right now. But I shall not go to the dark side, I will get some sleep!
My meals:
1. Scrambled eggs in Ghee (clarified butter) w/bacon & roasted carrots
2. This epic salad featured below - Steak, Bell pepper, cucumber, tomatoes, onion w/balsamic vinegar
3. Lamb meatballs, salad w/olive oil & lemon, and my beloved sweet potatoes (Look how sexy those sweet potatoes are!!)
4. Tons of water! Seriously, every time my glass is empty, I refill it!

~ Until next time,


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